All knowledge about dowsing and aerth rays

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. What are earth rays and Ley lines
3. Training course or instruction in the use of a dowsing rod
3.1. How to build an L-Shaped dowsing rod with handles
3.2. How to build an dowsing pendulum
3.3. Instructions and exercises for dowsing rods
3.4. Measure field direction and field strength
3.5. Test experiments
4. Field types
4.1. Water veins and groundwater currents
4.2. Earth Fault Geological Fractures of the Earth Crust
4.3. Earth Grids and Leylines (Schumann resonances)
4.4. Technical devices
4.5. Biological systems
4.6. Magnetite and magnetosome
4.7. Earth magnetic field
4.8. Objects in the soil
4.9. Buildings and places of power
4.10 Summary of the field descriptions
5. Effects of earth radiation (electric fields)
6. Protection and shield
7. Short introduction to physics
7.1. Electrostatic and electrodynamic fields
7.2. Magnetic fields
7.3. Radiation
7.3.1. The electromagnetic wave radiation
7.3.2. The corpuscular radiation or particle radiation
7.4. Radium and Radon
7.5. Other theories about earth rays
7.5.1 Gravity
7.5.2 Hypersonic
7.5.3 Planetary lines
7.5.4 Scalar waves
8. Glossary
9. Footnotes

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This paper is the result of 40 years of research. I have explored that the whole topic is about electric fields of natural origin. Research at the University of California at Davis has confirmed that humans also have an electric sense and can perceive electrical fields through receptors in the skin.
For scientists, the topic of earth radiation and dowsing rods is an absolute taboo. However, we dowsers are to blame for this ourselves, because only esoteric nonsense is told. Especially the topic of shielding has brought us enormously into disrepute.
Note: Words with the symbol => are explained in detail in the chapter 8. glossary.
Furthermore, instructions are included on how you can learn it yourself in order to open up a sense of perception for electric fields.

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1. Introduction

Not only in the past, even in the present, things are being written on the subject of divining rods, with which one believes oneself directly back into the time of the magic and the Alchimisten. In books on the subject of dowsing rods, which are carried in bookstores in the esoteric section, one reads the words OD-force, orgone, N-rays, scalar waves, etc. Earth rays are said to be the memory of the earth. The matter becomes even more mysterious when many claim that the ability to handle dowsing rods is possible only for selected people and, moreover, is a parapsychological phenomenon. Further one reads that practically all illnesses are caused by so-called earth rays. One of them even claims that the earth rays only work when the stars in our horoscope are unfavorable to each other.
At the latest then you give up with the knowledge that this must be a mysterious and obscure matter. This is also the reason why the subjects of dowsing rods and earth rays seem like a red rag to natural scientists.
The general collective term for the dowsing rod phenomenon is 'radiesthesia' and was coined by Abbee Bouly in 1930. The term is the interpretation of a Latin-Greek word combination of radius (=the ray) and aistanomai (=perceive, feel). In earlier times it was called 'geomancy', i.e. 'interpretation from the earth'. Many dowsers, who have passed an examination after training at dowsing associations, therefore call themselves geomancers, which, however, is not a protected job title. Modern building biologists speak nowadays also of the Geopathie and/or geopathic loads. In radiesthesia itself, a distinction is made between the physical and the mental (=esoteric) method.
The physical method investigates on the spot. From this view it concerns things, which one can prove with physically measurable methods.
The mental method investigates only with the help of a map and is considered as a parapsychological phenomenon. This includes ether radiesthesia, with which subtle and aura fields are to be perceived.
From this mental point of view, things are very often perceived differently by each person. This also includes Feng-shui, shamanism, esotericism and spirituality. Pendulum or dowsing is as old as mankind itself. In the course of our evolutionary history, we must have been even more aware of this sense than we are today. It was part of our instinct system. Only by the formation of intelligence and with it of independent thinking this ability was lost more and more, which is however strongly pronounced with animals, like with bees, birds, ants, but also cows and game.

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2. What are earth rays and Ley lines

What is hidden behind the commonly used word earth rays and Ley lines?
From many dowsers one receives the answer that it concerns an unknown kind of radiation, which is not provable with a technical measuring instrument. When asked why these rays have a physical effect, i.e. a disease-causing effect, one receives no answer or a rather ambiguous answer. Since I was fascinated by this topic already in my younger years, I read pretty much all available literature about it. Nowhere, however, was there any indication of the true identity of earth rays. With a lot of patience and various descriptions I then learned about it myself. Therefore, it was clear to me from the beginning that there must be a real-physical explanation behind the subject. Thereupon I made many experiments with magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves and even radioactivity. With time I noticed that I got positive results in electric fields. But only after I read a report in the 1980s (at that time there was no Internet) about Schumann resonances, it was clear to me that this must be the cause of the often cited grid nets. On the basis of further experiments with electric fields I then found out that we dowsers react to electrostatic fields and electrodynamic fields (which arise in standing waves). This perception effect is based on the alignment (=>polarization) of certain molecules by electric fields. Scientists at the University of California at Davis have discovered that our body also has an =>electric sense and perceives electric fields through receptors in the skin. A detailed description of electric fields can be found in chapter 7.1 Electric fields. As well as in the glossary under =>electric sense.
But why does a dowser react to such fields?
If we want to understand these effects, we have to take a closer look at the perception possibilities of the human body.
Humans perceive environmental influences through various receptors. Our perception is manifold, e.g. through radiation of certain wavelengths, sound vibrations, smell or taste. The resulting nerve signals are made conscious to us in our brain with the help of complex processes. These processes run unconsciously for us. However, by constant training these processes can be manipulated, one speaks then of 'feedback' techniques.
But we lack a corresponding program in the motor nervous system that makes us aware of the perception of electric fields; with one exception: we can perceive when someone is standing behind us. We are made aware of the electric field surrounding that person, a relic of our animal past.
I have given many courses in the past to learn this skill and found that 30% of the participants could do it immediately, 30% after 2 evenings of practice, but 40% of the participants could not learn it in the short time. It's like trying to learn a musical instrument, some are gifted and some are totally untalented.

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3. Training course or instruction in the use of a dowsing rod

How does the dowsing rod or pendulum work?
Man has a nervous system, with the help of which environmental influences are perceived. It is a connection system from the individual organs of perception to the brain, in which we are made aware of the received nerve signals, so that we can react to them accordingly.
We hear, see, feel smell and taste. However, we do not have a sector in our brain that makes us aware of electric fields. To make us aware of the effects of electric fields, we need a tool and 'bio-feedback training'. We need to build an additional program in our brain through intensive training, with the help of which we perform a small hand movement when a certain field is present. It is also possible with the feet. Some people can even perceive it through a tingling sensation in their hands.
There are two different methods for handling a dowsing rod or pendulum:
A. The external method. It used to be imagined that there is a resonance effect with the dowsing rod in certain fields, so that there is a rash. That is why dowsing rods were developed with scales, handle lengths or color markings. The dowser expected to find a certain field with a certain setting. Indirectly he thought of a certain field, so that he got a deflection of the rod, if he was in such a field. This was, of course, cumbersome and time-consuming. In order to be able to concentrate better on a field, however, dowsing rods with markings etc. are still often used.
B. The inner method, also called the mental method.
More and more dowsers found out that no markings are necessary, but that it was enough to think of a certain field, so that a dowsing occurs. For this they mentally adjust themselves to a certain field and react to it in the form of a hand movement of a certain size, i.e. on the basis of a certain field you react in a certain way. This is a very fast and safe method, but it requires some practice in its application and exact concentration on the field you are looking for.

In any case, continuous practice is required. Some master it at first go, others learn it very difficult, comparable to learning a musical instrument. The same is true for practicing dowsers. Some perform amazing feats, others require caution. If you want to use the services of a dowser, there is a simple test: let him show you where supply lines lead to the house. A good dowser should be able to determine this at first go.
What are the main types of dowsing rods?

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3.1. Instructions for self-construction and handling of an L-Shaped dowsing rod with handles

An L-Shaped dowsing rod with handles is very easy to make yourself. For the first practice a simple makeshift solution is enough. For more frequent and longer use, however, you should make a more stable rod.

A. Instructions for building an L-Shaped dowsing rod with handles yourself

First you have to make a tube. For this purpose, you can use the inner cardboard core of a roll of toilet paper for the first practice. Cut the cardboard core lengthwise and roll it up again over a pencil to make a cardboard tube with an inner diameter of about 0.3 Inch (7 mm). Tape the outside with some scotch tape to prevent the roll from opening.
For a more stable solution, you should make two tubes about 5 Inch (12 cm) long out of some material (preferably plastic) with an inner diameter of about 0.3 Inch (7 mm).
Further, you will need a wire about 0.1 Inch (2 mm) thick and about 24 Inch (60 cm) long, or a wire coat hanger. Unravel the coat hanger and bend it straight to make a wire of about 24 Inch (60 cm). Then bend this wire and insert it into the cardboard sleeve as shown in the sketch below.

Muster einer Winkelrute

Make two rods like this.


B. How to handle an angle rod

Clasp the tube parts of the angle rods vertically with the right and left hands (make a fist). Then place both elbows against the body and hold the arms horizontally forward. However, do not grip the pipe parts tightly, but hold them loosely in your hand. The distance between the left and right hand should be about 12 Inch (30 cm). The wire parts should protrude from the abdomen at an angle of 90 degrees horizontally forward away from the body. Slightly lower the angled rod at the front tip so that the wire parts stuck in the tubes stand away from the body.

Anleitung zur Handhabung einer Winkelrute

Now lift the front tips so that the wire parts do not turn away to the left or right, but remain at a 90 degree angle from the body.
By a tiny movement of the fists inwards or outwards, the wire parts inserted into the tube now move towards each other inwards or they move outwards. Now one must practice, by a tiny movement of the fists inward, that the tips of the wire parts move inch by inch both left and right simultaneously inward toward each other. The real art of dowsing is that this movement of the dowsing rod inward or outward must be controlled by the subconscious.
The best way to learn this is at a water source. Imagine in your mind an electric field between the water vein and the sky and cross the water vein several times forwards and backwards.
Hold both angle rods in such a way that they point forward as horizontally as possible. But do not hold them tightly, but loosely in both fists.
After some time the rods should move inwards or outwards by itself. Without you consciously controlling it. This can take hours or days - do not give up. Try again and again.
Forget that you have a rod in your hand, otherwise your muscles will be too tense due to your conscious nervous system and you will not be able to achieve superimposition through your subconscious mind.
If it doesn't work at all, try using a pendulum as described below.

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3.2. How to build an dowsing pendulum

Although the use of a pendulum is very cumbersome, the following is a guide, because some people achieve good results with it in the initial learning phase.


Take a string about 8 Inch (20 cm) long and tie a not too heavy plumb bob or a larger screw nut to it. Then take the thread with a length of approx. 4 Inch between the thumb and index finger of your right hand. Extend the left hand about 8 Inch in front of your belly. All 4 fingers of the left hand stand away from the abdomen at a 90 degree angle to the abdominal wall, thumb parallel to the abdominal wall to the right. Approx. 1 Inch above the thumb you now bring the pendulum into a left/right swing, so that the pendulum swings back and forth above the thumb. Go very slowly in any direction. It is best if you walk around a water source. Stop thinking about the pendulum (you still have to keep the pendulum moving), but imagine in your mind an electric field caused by a water vein. After some time you will notice that the pendulum begins to swing back and forth at certain points, no longer exactly above your thumb. It may make circular movements, or swing at an angle, or swing in serpentine motions. When you are ready, try again with an angle rod.

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3.3 Instructions and exercises for dowsing rods

How does the thing with the dowsing rod work?
How can the handling, i.e. the dowsing be learned?
How can you search for and detect earth rays or water veins?
You need to get a connection between your subconscious and your motor nervous system (=>procedural memory).
Example: When you are hungry and you think of your favorite food, your mouth automatically waters (so-called Pavlovian experiment). I.e. only by the imagination of good food a body function is released, which you normally cannot release consciously.
Or when typing on a typewriter, your fingers automatically press certain keys at high speed. But if you are consciously asked which finger you use for which letter, you first have to think specifically.
And it is the same with the dowsing rod. You have to imagine in your mind like in a daydream e.g. a water vein with an imagined electric field upwards and already your hands move when your body perceives such a field. Especially amazing for the beginner is the fact that the hands then move automatically on their own, controlled by the subconscious mind, which takes control of the motor nervous system.
As with optical illusions, beginners often make mistakes, especially if they have insufficient concentration.
A typical example: You examine your own sleeping place. On the one hand you want to determine whether you are lying in disturbing fields, but on the other hand you have the wishful thought that your sleeping place should be undisturbed. This causes a conflict in your subconscious. You will get a wrong result.
You should use a type of dowsing rod that allows you to get a quick and safe reading. If possible, work according to the mental method and do not use rods with grip lengths or other display scales. Because basically there are the following types of representation and display that you should train with your subconscious mind:

For all these types of display, the angle rod has proven to be the best, since it can also be moved with only one hand. This is not so noticeable, especially in public (such as in churches). In addition, it is easy to transport because of its size (approx. 12 Inch), whereas the V- or Y-rod with its 20 Inch (50 cm) is somewhat difficult to transport. Pendulums are even easier to transport, but difficult in the types of display listed above.

Particularly important is also the following principle: A dowser can search only what he has already found once consciously. So do not try to find any things that they have not already actually found in the past. Here is a comparison: Someone takes you to a botanical garden and asks you to find a certain plant with the name XYZ. You cannot find the plant because you know nothing about its appearance and nature. Only when you have consciously seen the plant once and stored it in your memory, you can solve this task. This is called a mental model (31). And it is the same with earth radiation fields.

You will be surprised how often you find fields for which you have no explanation. An example that happened to me. During a walk-through, I noticed a very strong field near a window that I couldn't explain. Suddenly, I discovered the remains of a foil cover for room renovations on the window. These covers are designed to stick by static electricity. With the help of my electrometer I could measure the following field strengths: 1 Inch 3 KV/m, 12 Inch 1 KV, 1.4 yd lower 10 V/m.

Beginners often make the mistake that they judge fields wrongly, especially grids are perceived incorrectly. To check one's own abilities, one should carry out a blind survey for control. To do this, stand on a larger meadow at a right angle (90 degrees) in front of a grid line that you have located. Walk over it a few times and memorize this line well. Then blindfold (cap or scarf) and repeat the same thing again blindfolded (do not cheat). A second person must confirm that the rod swings out over the line and place a small note on the ground. Then the second person must lead the dowser forward in a straight line (usually east-west or north-south, different only with the curry net). Each time the rod strikes out, then the accompanying person must put a small note on the ground. If then so approx. 5-10 notes are laid out, measure the distances between the notes (meter measure or feet, steps are too inaccurate). These should be exactly the same and have a certain distance depending on the type of grid, e.g. with the Benker cube system approx. 10 yards (9 mtr.) If this is not the case, then there is only one thing to do: Practice hard again.
It often happens to beginners that the angle rod simply moves in circles. This can be caused by the following reasons:
1. One looks for a disturbance without concentrating on a certain type of field. Here it is better to concentrate on the total interference and to learn to represent this total interference as follows: Imagine in your mind a scale from 0-100%. If there is no influence, then the bars should point forward. If, on the other hand, there is a strong influence, then the rods should move towards the body and stand one above the other, thus indicating a kind of intermediate percentage value. This has to be practiced well.
2. One examines the own bed place on fields and has however in thoughts also only a tiny desire to find nothing. Here, too, a circular movement is caused.
3. It is about types of fields that one does not know, then the subconscious gets confused and a circling movement is caused. Here, try to remember this type of field and just walk around the house or area with the desire to find this type of field again. This can often bring clarification.

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3.4. Measure field direction and field strength

3.4.1. Field direction

Dowsers are able to determine the direction of a field. By the field direction basically two effects result.
First, in electric fields electrons are attracted to the positive side of a field.
Second, in electric fields, certain molecules that are not electrically neutral (e.g., the water molecule) are directed toward the positive side.
For field directions the following mostly esoteric terms are common in the relevant literature, but they have a different meaning than it is taught in school physics.

3.4.2. field strengths

A. Electric field strengths in physics:
The field strength of an electric field is measured in volts per meter (formula symbol V/m). Electric fields are divided into:

B. Field strengths defined by dowsers:
The following units of measurement have historical origins and were created in an effort to find a uniform scale for the strength and harmfulness of earth rays. The biggest problem is that there is no single standard measure. Some dowsers say, for example, that one could use a curry net intersection as a standard. But curry-nets vary in strength all over the world, depending on soil conditions, climate, season and day and night differences.And it is the same with all other fields.
I myself use an angle rod. I imagine in my mind a scale from 0-100%. If there is no influence, then the rods should point forward. If, on the other hand, there is a strong influence, then the rods should move towards the body and stand one above the other or show intermediate values. This does not represent a unit of measurement in the physical sense, but with it I achieve to determine approximately the strength of fields. But also for the following units of measurement is valid: One cannot simply claim, from this or that value a certain disease arises. It always depends on the constitution of the person who is in such a field.

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3.5 Test experiments

In Deutschland wurden im wesentlichen zwei Testversuche durchgeführt.

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4. Field types

Now you only have to practice to distinguish the corresponding field types (as described below), but this will take you some time if you practice a few minutes every day.
If you do not want to identify a specific type of field, but only want to determine whether there are fields that cause illness, it is better to focus on the overall influence on your body. For this purpose, imagine in your mind a scale from 1 to 100%. Then try to adjust the dowsing rod through your subconscious mind so that it shows a value that corresponds to the current total influence of all electric fields. With this method you can also detect technically caused electric fields.
Even though it is dangerous to concentrate only on certain types of fields, I would like to introduce you to the most well-known types of fields in dowsing circles.

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4.1. Search and find water veins and groundwater currents

Detail view of the field structure of a water vein

Schematische Darstellung einer Wasserader

Types of water veins
Water veins have the most palpable field in the entire width of the water vein . However, the so-called announcement lines, also called spectroids, are also to be considered. Depending on the practice, different numbers of announcement lines can be felt. The origin of the announcement lines is still unclear. With the help of the so-called bishop rule can be determined by practiced persons with it approximately the depth of a water vei. This rule states that a dowser can determine an announcement line in a 45 degree angle, so that the depth of an object can be determined with it. This was first recognized in 1780 by the Bishop of Grenoble, hence the name Bishop's Rule.

Groundwater currents are recognizable by constantly repeating palpable narrow water vein fields at equal intervals of about half a Yard. The shorter the distance between the intervals, the stronger the groundwater flow. However, it is impossible to determine the depth here. In my experience, a strong groundwater flow with e.g. 5 Inch distance of the intervals causes a bad and restless sleep with many dreams. Even if one concentrates on the total influence, a high field strength results.

As blind springs / blind sources are called by dowsers such water veins, which come up like an artesian well as vertical water columns, but which do not come to the surface due to water-impermeable earth layers and are then distributed horizontally as a kind of ground water. These blind springs are perceived by dowsers as concentric circles.

Also in roots of trees electric fields are generated by absorption of water and minerals due to =>contact electrification. This is an interesting training opportunity for experienced dowsers. Look for a free-standing tree that is as large as possible, where you can clearly see a root growing out. Birch trees are especially recommended. Walk over this root a few times and try to feel this field. Then try to follow this root in the soil until you can't perceive anything anymore. An even more intensive exercise possibility arises with possible branchings.
A good dowser should in any case be able to recognize the difference between the fields of a water vein and a tree root, as there are always erroneous interpretations here. If you have problems with this, you can use the bishop's rule to locate approximately the depth of the water vein. At depths of less than one meter it will probably be a tree root.

An electrostatic field is formed between a water vein and the higher layers of air.


Physical cause of the field formation in water veins
In water veins and groundwater flows, water moves through the soil at different speeds. Thus, depending on the flow velocity, solubility and =>contact electrification of the water, voltages are generated according to the principle of a Kelvin generator (27) , which create an electric field between the water vein and the higher air layers.
The water molecule is a compound of two hydrogen atoms with 1 electron each and one oxygen atom with 8 electrons (H2O). In the process, individual molecules occasionally break down into =>ions with different electrical charges (called ampholytes). So there is one ion for about 300 million water molecules (1 ltr. water contains 10 to the power of 25 water molecules). As a result, even in the smallest amounts of water, considerable voltage differences of several thousand volts can form, leading to visible spark discharges in a Kelvin generator, for example. In stagnant water, the separated =>ions immediately reintegrate, but in moving water they remain separated under certain conditions. It should be noted, however, that this incessant generation and dissolution does not produce a constant electric field, but a =>pulsed electric field.
Hydronium or oxonium ion (41) are called water molecules which consist of 3 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom and thus have a positive charge (H3O+).
Hydroxide ion (42) are water molecules consisting of only 1 hydrogen atom and 1 oxygen atom and thus possessing a negative charge (H1O-).
However, the decisive factor for the strength of the electric field is not the amount of water flowing through, but the division into positively and negatively charged water molecules (=>ions). This means that by little water in a porous soil a stronger field can be generated than by much water in a pipe-like channel, as it occurs e.g. shortly before a spring fill.
This also explains why dowsers can only perceive flowing water, but not standing water. E.g. a dowser can locate a water vein in a lake.
This explains further, why the test experiments of the GWUP with filled or empty water buckets of none of the involved persons brought a result, because motionless water does not produce a constant electric field (see also under point 3.5. Test experiments of the GWUP).
The field direction can be different, depending on whether more positive or negative charged water molecules are generated. In esoteric teachings this is called left-turning or right-turning water (see chapter 3.4). On average, water veins are 90% left-turning and 10% right-turning. Surprisingly, in recognized health resorts predominantly right-turning water veins are found.
Water is also differentiated into para- and ortho-water (40), depending on the spin of the two hydrogen atomic nuclei involved. If the spins of the hydrogen nuclei have the same orientation, it is called ortho-water; if they are opposite, it is called para-water. At room temperature there is 75% ortho and 25% para hydrogen. The different spin results from the fact that the water molecules constantly collide with other molecules.

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4.2. Earth Fault Geological Fractures of the Earth Crust

These are tectonic shifts of rocks caused by e.g. earthquakes or continental drift. Electric and magnetic fields are generated. The magnetic component can be measured with a commercial magnetometer. Groundwater can also escape from a fault in a kind of artesian spring, a so-called fault spring. Caused when an aquifer on a fault is shut off by a water-logging layer, damming the water to the earth's surface. These are called blind springs and are perceived by dowsers as concentric circles.
Fields generated by earth faults should be avoided in any case.


According to the latest research results, these earth faults also produce inexplicable luminous phenomena (UFO and ball lightning). These effects are caused by the so-called piezoelectric effect (3) . Dr.Friedemann Freund (4) from NASA has discovered that certain rocks, which are exposed to high pressure, become semiconductors and electric charges and electric fields are generated towards the environment.
Effects produced by this are especially known under the names of Hessdalen (5) , Marfa (6) and Brown Mountain (7) lights.
In addition, it was found that these effects also occur increasingly during earthquakes. It is especially noticeable that ants like to settle on these fault lines similar to the lines of grids, which indicates an electric field (8) .
This also includes telluric currents, which also generate electric fields and contribute to the electrostatic field of the earth. These are electric currents that move underground. They have either natural causes or arise from human activity (e.g. railroad current grounding). The strongest are mainly geomagnetically induced currents , which are induced by changes in the external part of the earth's magnetic field. Caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere or by solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. Telluric currents also move constantly between the sunlit and shaded sides of the Earth. Measurements using magnetotellurics (45) are used for geothermal exploration, mining exploration, petroleum exploration, mapping of fault zones, groundwater exploration and monitoring, investigation of magma chambers, and investigation of boundaries of the Earth's plates.

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4.3. Earth Grids and Leylines (Schumann resonances)

The entire surface of the earth is covered by energetic lines which people can perceive with the help of a dowsing rod or a pendulum. In the past, people regarded these field lines as divine. For this reason, in ancient times up to the end of the Middle Ages, sacred buildings and places of worship were built in places with an increased field strength or aligned according to such fields.
In fact, however, these are electric fields that form in themselves in standing electromagnetic waves. They are called Schumann resonances (9) after their discoverer in 1952. These waves are caused by lightning in thunderstorms and other processes (e.g. volcanic eruptions) in the atmosphere between the earth's surface and the ionosphere., which emit a broad spectrum of electromagnetic waves, also known as =>sferics.
A lightning discharge in a thunderstorm creates electromagnetic waves that spread out from the thunderstorm evenly in all directions across the atmosphere. In the process, the waves meet again after going halfway around the globe and are amplified or cancelled out for the first time by superimposition, resulting in so-called 'circular standing waves'.
Sequence for the formation of a grid

Sequence for the formation of a grid

The resulting fields are called ley lines, Benker cube system, Hartmann grid, Curry grid and others by dowsers.

At a speed of light of 300,000 km per second, this happens at an average frequency of 7.5 Hz around an earth circumference of about 40,000 km. However, various effects actually result in an average measured frequency of 7.83 Hz. Through superposition (=interference), standing waves with higher frequencies and ever smaller wavelengths (14, 20, 26, 33, 39 Hz, etc.) are formed.
The electrical component measures approx. 300 microV/m, the magnetic component approx. 1 picoTesla. In comparison, the electrostatic field of the earth measures approx. 150 V/m and the magnetic field of the earth approx. 30-50 microTesla. I.e. the electrostatic field of the earth is 5 million times larger than the Schumann resonances and the magnetic field of the earth is approx. 30 million times larger than the Schumann resonances. The measured values of the last 3 days can be seen here (39) .
Electromagnetic waves consist vertically of an electric field and in addition shifted by 90 degrees horizontally of a magnetic field. Depending on frequency and wavelength, these wave crests and valleys form electric and magnetic fields by superpositions like a honeycomb system, which are always found at the same places. Since these are standing waves, zones of positive or negative field direction are formed. These field condensations form cube systems and consist of cubes with different field directions, which can strengthen or cancel each other by superposition. Because of the curvature of the earth, the cube systems become larger towards the top.
At the edges of these cubes the fields are more intense. Magnetic and electric field condensations are found there. In some grids, field-free zones of different widths are formed in the spaces in between, because the fields overlap here with different widths and cancel each other out due to their opposite orientation.
However, the individual systems are not evenly distributed over the entire globe and are subject to temporal fluctuations. At places, where deviations are to be determined, usually also other disturbances are present, like e.g. water veins, strong soil stratifications, high-voltage lines etc.. However, there are harmonic connections between the various grids.
The horizontally running edges of the cube should also be noted. This is very well visible in the wild on trees. Crab cankers occur only at a certain height of the trunk. There, horizontally running fields meet with other vertically running fields.
The electrical components of the cube systems can be felt by dowsers, but the magnetic components cannot.

The most essential cubic systems discovered by dowsers are:

4.3.1. The Curry grid (10) (also called I.N.S.= Earth Network System)

Discovered in 1951 by Siegfried Wittmann from Landsberg/Germany. Named, however, after the physician Manfred Curry from Riederau, who worked with Wittmann and determined medical effects. A stay on the crossings is said to cause a change in the blood cell sedimentation rate. It is called diagonal grid. It is spread all over the earth and is said to run in a spiral from the south to the north pole. At the poles it is said to be zero.

Skizze eines Curry-Netzes

According to Curry, the edge length of a field is about 9 Yards in our latitudes. Four fields result in a so-called polar field. In the point of intersection of the 4 fields there is a strongly charging or discharging point of approx. 4 feet in diameter. On the diagonal, such a field of four measures approx. 24 Yards. From the center of these polar fields, eight field condensations go in the direction of the neighboring polar fields. The thickness of the net strips varies between 12 Inch and 20 Inch. The position of the fields and the orientation (=>polarization) remain constant.

4.3.2. The Hartmann-grid or Global-grid or 1st grid.

Dr. Ernst Hartmann claimed to have discovered this space grid in the 1950s using a Hall probe as a measuring device. He found a decrease of the earth's magnetic field in the north-south direction from 0.3 to 0.05 Gauss (that is in the Si system from 30 micro Tesla to 5 micro Tesla) and thus founded his theory of the Hartmann grid.
I have reproduced this experiment with the help of a magnetic field measuring app on a smartphone, but could not detect any decrease. Already because the magnetic field of the earth in our latitudes measures approx. 48 Micro-Tesla.
The magnetic components of the Schumann resonances (which generate the Hartmann grid), on the other hand, are currently measured at less than 1 pico-tesla. Thus the magnetic field of the earth is millions times stronger than the grids. How should this affect the Earth's magnetic field in the magnitude measured by Hartmann?
Characteristics: The field strength should be dependent on the time of day, sunspot activity, the position of the moon, the weather, and especially the composition of the soil. Especially with heavy loam and loess soils strong fields are supposed to form.

Skizze eines Hartmanngitters

In our latitudes (48 degrees latitude) the size north-south is about 6.5 feet, size west-east about 8 feet and should be different in size depending on the geographical location, i.e. the closer you are to the poles, the smaller the fields. The thickness of the net strips is about 7.8 Inch. The Hartmann grid fits exactly into the Benker cubic system.

4.3.3. The Benker Grid Cubes System

The Benker cube system consists in our latitudes of approx. 10 Yard large cubes, which have alternately a positive and a negative field direction. Discovered by Anton Benker in 1953, these cube systems are not evenly distributed over the earth's surface, but can vary in intensity depending on the soil conditions. In the spaces between the cubes there is a neutral zone about 8 Inch wide. At the edges there are 12 and 20 Inch wide strips with a higher field intensity, which should be avoided if possible. These strips should be widest at the equator and become narrower toward the poles. These cubes are in turn filled with the Hartmann grid system. In east-west direction 1 Benker=4 Hartmann grids, in north-south direction 1 Benker=5 Hartmann grids.

Skizze eines Benker-Kuben-Systems

4.3.4. The PGL grid (Abbreviation of plant growth laser)

The grid walls at intervals of approx. 13 feet and crossing points are to contain increased radon particles and thus emit increased radioactivity. This grid shall shift by 6 feet between day and night. Described for the first time in 1937 by the French art Dr. Francois R.Peyre from Bagnoles de l'Orne. But fell into oblivion again and was described again by Josef Oberbach (1908-2003).

4.3.5. KES (Abbreviation of Cosmic Energetic Radiation System)

Also described by Josef Oberbach. Shall be superimposed on the Curry grid(see 4.3.1.).

4.3.6. Large-scale grids

These grids are found in many landscapes, especially in unfavorable geological conditions, in particularly heavy loess soils or in hilly landscapes. These grids are mostly square or diamond-shaped and have a size of several kilometers. The lines themselves are usually several Yards wide and have high field strengths. A permanent stay on these lines should be avoided in any case.
Along these large grids one can often observe ant constructions like on a string of pearls.
Furthermore, at the intersections with trees, one can often observe crab galls or open spots forming in the bark.
These large grids are also called ley lines or dragon lines.
In the Southern Germany a nice example can be observed. A large-scale grid with a diamond-shaped structure and a size of 4.6 miles, on whose crossing points some pilgrimage churches were built. Probably on former prehistoric cult sites.

4.3.7. Room grid

In rooms of closed houses, depending on the building material, space grids are formed. These fit very precisely into the premises.

4.3.8. Ley Lines

First designated in 1921 by the British amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins (26) , derived from designations of English localities with the endings -leigh or -ley, meaning clearing or cleared woodland. These are intended to represent fictitious connecting lines of landmarks, megaliths, prehistoric cult sites, and churches. These often extend for miles as straight lines. Boundaries were established and roads built along these zones in the past. Roman roads and the Limes are largely built on such zones. In China they are called dragon lines because the sky gods are said to have flown as dragons along these lines.
Ley lines are based on the so-called Schumann resonances (see 4.3. Grids (Schumann resonances)). Due to the strong electric fields, the nodes were an inexplicable phenomenon for people in former times and were considered as sacred places. People built sanctuaries on them (especially the Celts). The Christian Church later built churches on these places. Today, in esoteric circles, people also speak of places of power. Translated with (free version)
In some esoteric teachings it is claimed that these ley lines can be perceived only by a certain circle of people (such as wizards, elves, etc.).

4.3.9. Hagal grid

The Hagal grid is said to be a hexagonal grid with a mesh size of 2-3 Yards radius (i.e. 4-6.5 Yards diameter), or in higher order of about 6 miles diameter and more. This grid is said to occur especially where the Celts built their Celtic entrenchments. Also some hexagonal churches are said to have been built on such a grid. The name Hagal is derived from the Hagal rune (also called six-pointed star), an Old Norse character. The Hagal rune has nowadays a great importance in esoteric teachings, especially shamanism.

4.3.10. Schneider-Grid or Third Grid or Linea elopentia (=Line of Eloquence)

A grid described by Reinhard Schneider is the Third Grid, also called Lightning Grid or Linea eloqentia (=line of eloquence). It is said to be less a geometric grid, but to run in spontaneous lines and like veins and in distances of 7,5 Yard. It is said to occur in churches in altar areas, at the pulpit and in the center of other sacred places. It is said to be very stimulating, but also harmful during a longer stay.

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4.4. Technical devices

The harmfulness of electric fields became quite clear by a statistic which showed that an increased cancer rate can be observed among workers who are constantly in electric fields (14) . Which field strengths and frequencies are harmful or harmless is currently being discussed even in scientific circles because of the transmission masts for cell phones.
In any case, strong magnets, such as those found in loudspeakers, should be avoided, as they cause headaches. These should be at least 5 feet away from the body. Furthermore, stay away from current-carrying coils of any kind, such as transformers. When near the bed, not only switch off all electrical devices, but also unplug them. This is because even cables without an appliance connection generate an electric field if there is a connection to the power source. Special mains disconnectors are available to prevent interference from electrical cables.
Avoid installing transmitters (e.g. WLAN or Bluetooth) in your house.

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4.5. Biological systems

Biological systems are also surrounded by electric fields. In humans, diviners speak of the reaction distance or the aura.
In the meantime, devices have been developed with the help of which electric fields of individual organs can be measured and which, for example, allow a diagnosis of heart diseases long before the usual diagnostic means detect a defect.

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4.6. Magnetite and magnetosome

Crystals of the ferromagnetic substance magnetite Fe 304 are embedded in all biological systems, especially in bacteria. In the human brain about 5 million magnetite crystals per gram, in the meninges even up to 100 million. Certain animals, such as salmon, migratory birds and carrier pigeons use these magnetite crystals for locating. In evaluations of satellite images, it has been found that cows and deer usually line up in a north-south direction when feeding.
Many attempts have been made to find out whether humans are sensitive to magnetism, e.g. whether they can sense the earth's magnetic field. The proof succeeded so far only with primitive primeval people. With modern living civilization humans this ability is presumably completely lost. Also test attempts of myself and with other dowsers to the perception of magnetic fields could not bring any results.
If so-called magnetotactic bacteria are transported from the southern to the northern hemisphere or vice versa and then exposed, they perish because they swim in the wrong direction.
After the death of bacteria, the magnetite crystals remain in the soil and are located by archaeologists with the help of particularly sensitive measuring instruments. This allows prehistoric buildings etc. to be detected in the soil.

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4.7. Earth magnetic field

The earth's magnetic field is the strongest of all fields. In experiments it was found that more red blood cells are formed when one sleeps with the head to the north. It is worth mentioning that magnetized innerspring mattresses cause aching limbs due to distortion of the earth's magnetic field.

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4.8. Objects in the soil

Dowsers are able to locate lines and objects in the ground, but also in the air. Between the deeper layers of the earth and the higher layers of the air (see 7.1.) an electric field is formed due to different electron concentrations. This field is influenced mainly by metallic conducting objects to a small extent, field distortions are produced and, as in optics, a kind of shadow. But for this a dowser needs a lot of practice. Many civil engineering workers confirm again and again that they have found lines in this way.

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4.9. Buildings and places of power

From ancient times until the end of the Middle Ages, sacral buildings and places of worship were built on places with an increased field strength or aligned according to such fields. Often caused by intersections of water veins with grids, but also by geological fractures and ley lines.
Some examples: In many old churches one can perceive a strong field under the last keystone in front of the altar. Strong fields can also be perceived at sacral buildings of the Celts, at mound graves and at Bronze Age megalithic graves.
I myself could perceive a so-called blind spring in a prehistoric stone circle in southern England (see chapter 4.1. Water Veins), which produced a peculiar ring-shaped field.
All ancient wayside crosses stand at places where a path is crossed by a large grid. The stay on such zones is supposed to be stimulating.

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4.10. Summary of the field descriptions

Due to the variety of fields, one could think that there is practically nowhere to stay because one is influenced by fields at every place on the earth's surface. In principle this is true. Only because of the fact that the fields =>polarize differently, the effects cancel each other out in most cases. Only in the rare cases where the individual fields with the same orientation (=>polarization) overlap, problem zones arise.
Therefore, as a dowser, you should learn in any case to represent the total influence on your own body with the help of a rod, i.e. you should not concentrate on specific fields, but on the sum of the fields in which you are at the moment.

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5. Effects of earth radiation (electric fields)

5.1. Perception effect

The perception effect is based on the alignment (=>polarization) of certain molecules by electric fields. Scientists of the University of California in Davis have discovered that our body also has an =>electric sense and perceives electric fields via receptors in the skin. These processes are registered by our nervous system, but our brain does not make us aware of them. A dowser is now, through appropriate training, able to mentally pick up these processes and convert them into a slight hand movement.

5.2. Illness effect

Human cells are made up of molecular compounds that can be destroyed by certain types of radiation. Depending on the location of a human being, 10-50 million of our 50-100 trillion cells are damaged per second, but are continuously renewed by the body's own systems. However, if one stays in certain electric fields, the body's own repair system is somewhat impaired, so that real damage occurs if one stays in such fields for a long time. Many dowsers have documented examples of illnesses caused by water veins and grids in the corresponding literature (33) .
I myself have also been able to observe symptoms of illness and sleep disturbances. Decisive, however, is the immune system and the constitution of a person who spends time in such fields.
How the effect of the disease is produced would require extensive investigations with laboratory equipment. E.g. one would have to carry out medical measuring series at test persons, who stay in pathogenic zones, in order to determine deviations and/or changes.
Possible causes could be, for example:

Open questions and thoughts on this

On the basis of experiments I could determine that humans are able to perceive electric fields in the order of magnitude from 0.0003 V/m (=Schumann resonances), furthermore they can determine the field strength and the field direction.
Many dowsers, including myself, have found that certain fields cause health effects in certain people. But the field strengths of these fields are so low that they cannot be measured with a standard =>electrostatic field meter.
On the other hand, in our daily environment we have to deal with field strengths that are many times greater. For example, the weather-related electrostatic field of the earth, which, however, has only minimal effects on humans in the form of weather sensitivity.
How can pathogenic effects occur at such low field strengths? This leads to the conclusion that these effects are not so much caused by the alignment (=>polarization) of molecules, but by long-term exposure to pulsed fields.
As already stated above, medical research should take place here.

5.3. Other known effects

This is a difficult topic, because often emotionally and esoterically justified. Dowsers justify many things from the sum of the experiences they have made. Doctors and scientists recognize these things, however, only if clear results can be obtained in series of experiments.
Some results of scientific studies:

Below are some statements of dowsers who speak of geopathic effects. Some have been confirmed by scientific tests, others discarded.


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6. Protection and shield

Physically, all exotic shieldings offered in advertisements or at esoteric fairs are ineffective. Most often, these products only help the seller's wallet.
Doubtful things are: Pyramids, bottles wrapped with wire, boxes of indefinable content (28) , chips, magnetic plates, belts, bracelets, necklaces, magnetic mats, crystals, skin sprays, etc.
Cork plates and water beds are also ineffective. I have already measured this myself with the help of my =>electrostatic field meter. After cork floors have been laid in many houses, a dowser should not be able to detect any fields with them. I could not determine any shielding effect so far.
Again and again shielding devices are offered, which are supposed to be able to extinguish earth rays and electromagnetic waves by interference (=overlapping). Such devices are pure nonsense. In order to harmonize an electromagnetic wave by interference (= superposition), an opposing wave must be generated, which has the same frequency, amplitude and phase and which is rotated by 180 degrees. So far, this has only been achieved under laboratory conditions with exactly known parameters at an enormous expense.
These devices are dangerous because they in turn generate electromagnetic radiation. This means that you have another source of radiation in your personal environment.
Physically effective shielding is technically very complex and involves high costs.
Furthermore, a fundamental distinction must be made for shielding between:

6.1. Electric fields

To shield electric fields, the entire room to be shielded must be enclosed, this is called a Farady's cage (15) , i.e. you would have to shield your bedroom from all sides, whereby the shields must be electrically connected so that electrons can flow from one side to the other in order to generate a counter-field. But who wants to sleep like that? In addition, humans need certain electric waves and fields to control various life processes, e.g. the so-called long-wave =>sferics.

6.2. Electromagnetic waves (17)

Complete shielding of electromagnetic waves is very costly. An example of this is the fact that a cell phone in a closed microwave oven or a metal pot closed on all sides still rings when you call it. For a 99% shielding of electromagnetic waves, a shielding towards the radiation source (i.e. in the direction of the transmitter) is sufficient. This shielding must consist of an appropriate material or a wire mesh. However, the spacing of the wire mesh should be about 10 times smaller than the wavelength of the radiation to be shielded. An example: Transmitters for cell phones transmit at 900-1800 MHZ, which corresponds to a wavelength of 13-6 Inch. This means that a shielding mesh should have a maximum mesh size of less than 0.6 Inch. For shielding of radar radiation (frequency=3-300 GHZ/wavelength=0.04-4 Inch), the mesh size should be at most 0.004-0.4 Inch.

6.3 Magnetic fields

Shielding magnetic fields is very difficult. For this, ferromagnetic materials of appropriate thickness, such as mumetal, are needed. The costs for shielding a room would be astronomical (11 square foot approx. 500 Euro).

Nevertheless, what can be done if a shielding is not possible:

Do not sleep in the same place for more than half a year. Move your bed half a meter to all sides, change the head and foot end. Pay attention to whether there are certain places where you sleep better or worse. Especially pay attention to whether you have weak or strong dreams in certain places. The same applies to a job where you stay in one and the same place all day.

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7. Short introduction to physics

For a better understanding, a short introduction to the physics of radiation and fields and their effects on humans. You can read more detailed descriptions in a physics book or on the Internet in Wikipedia.
All matter, including humans, is composed of small particles called atoms. Atoms have in the center a nucleus of energy packets (protons and neutrons), which have a positive charge. This nucleus is orbited by other energy packets (electrons), which have a negative charge. The positively and negatively charged energy packets normally balance out, and the atom assumes a neutral state. Under certain conditions atoms can give off certain energy packets (protons, neutrons, electrons) or bind them additionally (=>ions, isotopes) and thus get a positive or negative charge.
Then there are free electrons, which are not bound into an atom. They are always negatively charged and are constantly buzzing back and forth between the atoms (e.g. our electric household current is a targeted moving of free electrons).

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7.1. Electric fields (electrostatic and electrodynamic fields)

Between differently charged atoms a force field is created, called electrostatic field. Either as a point field, if it acts from one point to all sides or as a homogeneous field, if it occurs between two surfaces, as e.g. between the earth surface and the ionosphere or in a technical capacitor. The same force field arises in electromagnetic waves which form a standing wave by back reflection or interference (= superposition). Electromagnetic waves consist of a magnetic component and in a 90 degree angle to it an electric component. The superposition of these fields in standing waves creates both a magnetic field and an electric field. To distinguish it from electrostatic fields, this field is also called electrodynamic field in physics books.

Elektrische Felder

We constantly encounter such force fields in our lives, e.g. the static charge of clothing is created by the different saturation with electrons.
If we now examine the earth and the individual layers of air, we can determine that different numbers of electrons are present (19) :

This creates strong force fields that can be directed both upwards and downwards. Just how strong these force fields can be can be experienced when lightning strikes during a thunderstorm. This is nothing else than a charge equalization.
Thus, electric force fields are constantly forming between the ground and the higher layers of air. The strength of the fields depends on the weather, the ground conditions and the time of day. At night between 0:00 AM and 2:00 AM the fields are stronger than in the morning at 10:00 AM. Particularly strong fields are formed, for example, in heavy soils, geological fractures and electric lines.
Electric fields have now a special characteristic. Electrons and atoms are moved by them, depending on whether they are positively or negatively charged, they strive in the opposite direction. Furthermore, atoms or molecules are distorted depending on their charge. The distortion or alignment is called =>polarization (or dielectricity or permittivity). As a result, various atoms and atomic compounds become unilaterally aligned like soldiers. The strength of the alignment varies depending on the substance. Water molecules, for example, are distorted 81 times more strongly at 65°F than air molecules.

Polarisation von Wassermolekülen

All processes in living beings are controlled by differently charged atoms and groups of atoms (molecules). One speaks of electrical potentials. Also some amino acids, of which the human being consists, are subject to this alignment. In electric fields, these potentials are more or less disturbed and thus also the chemical processes in the cells, especially on the solubility of a substance. Thus also on =>osmosis processes, which are vital for the supply of the cells.
Since the human body consists of 70 % water and water has a dipole property, electric fields do not completely penetrate the human body due to the influence effect (= charge separation), but internal body currents are triggered by the electric charge. These effects are called =>athermal effects, because the effects are not caused by high-energy radiation. It is becoming apparent that the damage caused by these effects is not due to a direct effect, but to a weakening of the body's own repair mechanisms (20) . In experiments, for example, it has been found that the body's own systems are affected by exposure to electric fields (1) .

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7.2. Magnetic fields

In magnetic fields, a distinction is made between permanent magnets and those generated by moving electric charges.
Some atoms like e.g. the iron atom are a kind of tiny natural magnet due to the arrangement of its electrons. However, since these atoms are normally present in a disordered fashion, the magnetic effect cancels out. But if these tiny magnetic fields point in the same direction, as is the case with a permanent magnet, then strong attractive forces are created on certain other atoms with the same arrangement of electrons.
Moving electric charges also generate a magnetic field. This occurs, for example, in the vicinity of current-carrying electrical conductors or in wire coils.
The earth's magnetic field is an example. Although we do not feel it, it is so strong that it forces compass needles in one direction all over the earth. Magnetic fields can only be shielded with great effort.
All living organisms, even bacteria, contain tiny magnets, so-called magnetite crystals (2) , which are grouped together in thread-like magnetosomes. With the help of these tiny magnets, many animals are able to orient themselves according to the earth's magnetic field.
On the basis of aerial photo evaluations it was determined that cattle, red deer and dogs preferentially align themselves in north-south direction (12) .
A lot of these magnetite crystals are also present in the human brain (5-100 million per gram of brain mass). The effect of electric fields on these magnetite crystals results in an induction effect, which is perceived by receptors in our body, but of which we are not directly aware. Magnetic fields cannot be perceived by dowsers, as various test experiments by myself and with other dowsers have shown.
Magnetic alternating fields generate currents via the induction effect in the body, which are superimposed on the current flow as it is used for stimulus transmission in the nerve tracts, and thus can lead to negative influences. In the high-frequency range, the generated current densities can lead to thermal effects and thus cause damage.
On the other hand, this one-sided alignment of atoms can also have a healing effect, as in the case of bone fractures, for example, because bone material is formed more quickly here due to the one-sided alignment.
Experiments with strong magnetic fields have shown that biochemical processes are favorably influenced in the south pole field of a magnet, but unfavorably in the north pole field.

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7.3. Radiation

We speak of radiation when energy packets of an atom or free electrons are radiated into the environment, whereby certain energy packets are even capable of destroying other atoms. Basically, we distinguish between two types of radiation:

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7.3.1. The electromagnetic wave radiation

This radiation consists of emitted photons. These form like a chain in each case an electric field and around 90 degrees to it a magnetic field and are emitted in portions in certain sizes, the quanta.
The most important are:

The effects on the human body are varied, but largely researched.
From UV radiation (10 high 15 Hertz), the energy of the radiation particles is so high that it can remove electrons from atoms or molecules. It is called =>ionizing radiation.
Electromagnetic waves are not deflected by magnetic fields, but can be shielded or deflected by appropriate materials (e.g. light radiation by objects, UV radiation by glass, gamma radiation by lead).
However, there is an effect due to electromagnetic wave radiation, which is particularly interesting for our topic. If such rays are reflected back at an obstacle like in a mirror or if rays are superimposed by interferences (= superpositions), then 'standing waves' are generated (13) . In these standing waves electric fields are formed (called electrodynamic fields). By constantly existing thunderstorm lightnings (approx. an average of 50 flashes per second) and by the solar irradiations a multiplicity of measurable standing waves, also called 'Schumann resonances', develops on the earth (see also under 4.3 Grids).

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7.3.2. The corpuscular radiation or particle radiation

These are formed during the decay of atomic nuclei and have various effects (23) . These include:

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7.4. Radium and Radon

According to estimates by the Radiation Protection Commission, several thousand people die of lung cancer in Germany every year because they were exposed to an excessively high concentration of the radioactive noble gas radon in their own homes or at work. According to statistics, smokers account for 85% of lung cancer deaths. Since radon attaches itself to smoke particles, passive smokers are also at additional risk.
Radon belongs to the radioactive noble gases (18) . It is a decay product of radium, which in turn is a decay product of uranium. Like many gases, radon cannot be tasted, smelled or seen. However, the initial product radium is everywhere. Very often in granite and gypsum. Less in sand, sandstone, limestone, gravel or over the sea. Once the radium has decayed to radon, this mobile noble gas escapes from the rock through tiny pores into the air. Less radon can escape from harder rock or very moist soil.
Although on average only extremely small amounts escape, the radioactive radon can still become dangerous, namely when it accumulates in closed rooms or when it accumulates on the ground. This happens mainly when the air pressure drops, as larger amounts escape from the ground. The radon contained in the air is washed out by rain or falling fog.
Increased values occur in areas where a large part of the subsoil consists of granite. Furthermore, where natural uranium occurs.
The noble gas radon itself is hardly bound in the body, but by the further radioactive decay into secondary products. e.g. into polonium 218 and 214. As a result, relatively high alpha particle radiation alters the bronchial tissue in the lungs, triggering carcinogenic processes.
The simplest way to reduce the radon concentration is regular and thorough ventilation. Furthermore, a concrete foundation slab, good exterior insulation of the basement masonry and the use of low radium building materials, such as lime plaster, prevent an accumulation of radon in the air we breathe.
I myself have carried out tests with the help of radioactive materials and I can state that dowsers cannot perceive radioactive radiation and radon.

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7.5. Other theories about earth rays

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7.5.1 Gravity

Some dowsers are of the opinion that gravity would be the cause of the earth rays and the dowsing effect. Based on some considerations, this cannot be the case.
According to currently valid knowledge, there are 4 forces in the universe.
-The gravitation between particles due to their masses.
-The electromagnetic force between electrically charged particles, like e.g. the electrons.
-The weak interaction between particles in an atom.
-The strong interaction between particles inside an atomic nucleus (quarks).
Of these 4 forces, gravity is an extremely small force of nature. E.g. the electromagnetic Coulomb force (which is decisive for the binding of electrons to the atomic nucleus) is 2.3 times 10 to the power of 39 times stronger than the gravitational force.
So it is an unimaginably small force effect, which only becomes effective at large masses like the planets. A human being can perceive a change of gravity only if the deviating masses are larger than 10 to the power of 40 Pound (lb) . E.g. the moon causes by its gravity a change of the sea level by ebb and flood. But humans cannot perceive these gravitational changes.
I myself have dealt with gravitation some time ago in the context of my research on the subject of earth rays and dowsing rods, but rejected it for the following reasons:
-How should gravitation cause the grids?
-How should a dowser perceive a tiny difference in gravity caused by a water vein or other things in the ground, if he cannot even perceive significant gravitational differences like ebb and flow?

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7.5.2 Hypersonic

Hypersonic is sound with frequencies from 1 GHz to 10 THz, whereby predominantly longitudinal, but also transverse waves are generated, which are called phonons in physics.
Based on measurements in solids as well as in gases, the vibrations generated by these waves have a range in the millimeter range.
The engineer Reiner Gebbensleben (30) is of the opinion that hypersound is the cause for phenomena of geobiology (water veins, earth rays, grids), for all phenomena of radiesthesia (radiation sensitivity, remote perception, the dowsing rod and pendulum phenomenon, psi-tracks, ley-lines, pyramid energy), of parapsychology (extrasensory perception, telepathy, clairvoyance, thought impregnation and psychokinesis), biophysics (orientation behavior of animals, metabolism, growth and communication of plants), alternative medicine (homeopathy, placebo effect, acupuncture, naturopathy), neuroscience (learning, thinking, remembering, dreams, hallucinations, hypnosis, near-death experiences and apparent rebirth).
He believes that hypersonics permeate the entire universe. His theories and claims are interspersed with phrases and buzzwords from esotericism. However, he does not give exact explanations about the function and mode of action. Why should e.g. hypersonic be stronger over water veins than with other matter?
In the meantime there are even shielding devices for hypersound.

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7.5.3 Planetary line and Axiatonal Meridian Lines

Planetary lines are said to be geological faults similar to ore veins. The first descriptions go back to the Englishman Hamish Miller, who discovered and described a Michael line (35) . The German radiesthesists Hartmut and Ingeborg Lüdeling investigated these geological phenomena in detail in 1995 and claim that these lines are in resonance with planets and other stars. To find them, one should insert photos of the corresponding planets into a H3 Lüding antenna or hold them in the hand.
A distinction is made between natural planetary lines and artificially altered planetary lines in sacred buildings. There are relations between planetary lines, churches and other sacral buildings, resulting in so-called light-water places, which are said to have a special healing effect. But it is expressly emphasized that with all applications with light water the faith in the healing effect is a condition for a healing success. Although planetary lines are supposed to be findable with a divining rod, the whole topic tends more towards ley lines, Feng Shui, astro cartography and astrology. That is why nowadays planetary lines are seen more as a kind of location astrology.
Based on my own tests I am of the opinion that it concerns interferences (=overlays) of Schumann resonances which are to be found constantly.
Axiatonal meridian lines are also equated with planetary lines, ley lines and other grids. These Axiatonal Meridian Lines are meant to connect us with the Universe. Within the framework of acupuncture, Axiatonal Lines create the energy network of the macrosystem in the Light Body, where all dimensional frequencies are transmuted into the meridians and chakras.

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7.5.4 Scalar waves

In the 1980s, Konstantin Meyl (34) developed a unified field theory based on research by Tesla, Bearden and Whittaker, from which all known interactions are supposed to be derivable. However, it contradicts the established physical theories of electrodynamics, contradicts Einstein's special theory of relativity and has been refuted several times. The main component are scalar waves, which are supposed to be longitudinal waves like sound and to have the following properties:

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8. Glossary

Athermal or non-thermal effects

Athermic or non-thermal effects are biological effects of electromagnetic fields, electric fields and magnetic fields which do not cause any temperature increase in the body. However, chemical reactions are disturbed or slowed down as a result, this applies above all to =>osmosis processes.

Contact electrification or triboelectricity

When certain substances touch each other, electrons are exchanged. Under certain circumstances, such high voltages are generated that electric fields form in the surrounding area. The best-known effect is that when a piece of clothing is taken off, the hair stands up and a clear crackling sound can be heard.

Electrostatic field meter also called electric field mill

A device for measuring the electric field strength. It is used, for example, in meteorology and climate research to measure changes in the electric field in the earth's atmosphere. These fluctuations are caused by weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, cold or warm fronts, rain clouds and other electrostatic phenomena in the atmosphere.
With very good instruments with prices around 800 Euro one can measure resolutions up to 10 V/m.

Electric sense

Normally, electric fields are not visible or perceptible to humans. However, some cells in our body can perceive weak electric fields. Scientists at the University of California at Davis have studied this in detail (38). . The researchers have succeeded in identifying two important components for the electric sense in humans: The protein called Kir4.2 and polyamines inside a cell. However, it is still unclear to the scientists how our skin senses the weak electric fields.

Influence of electrical fields

If a charged body is brought close to an uncharged body, forces act between the charges. They cause a charge displacement and thus a charge separation, which is referred to as an influence.

Ions or ionization

Atoms and molecules in the neutral state have as many electrons as protons. A charge surplus (negatively charged) or a charge deficiency (positively charged) results from electron donation or electron absorption.
Ionization occurs when electrons are removed from an atom by energetic particles or by radiation. This is caused by terrestrial radiation (e.g. radon), by man-made radiation (e.g. X-ray radiation) or by extraterrestrial high altitude radiation. As a result, an average of about 9000 atoms are ionized in our body per second, which thus lose their chemical function and cause disturbances in our body. These disturbances must then be corrected by our immune system.
Therefore, it is important to keep our immune system intact through a healthy lifestyle.


Osmosis is the diffusion (=passage) of molecules through a semipermeable membrane (e.g. cell walls). It is one of the most important life processes in nature, both in living organisms and plants. This process is disturbed by electric fields, especially by =>pulsed fields.


In physics, this is understood to mean various effects:
-Dielectric polarization is the alignment or displacement of charges in molecules, atoms or =>ions of a substance under the influence of an electric field. As a result, atoms and molecules are rotated in a certain direction and are no longer electrically neutral. One also speaks of electrical dipoles. In chemical processes, for example, this has an effect on the solubility of a substance.
-For transverse waves (e.g. earthquake waves) and electromagnetic waves, this refers to the direction of oscillation in which the waves travel. Electromagnetic waves consist of electric fields and in the 90 degree angle to it of magnetic fields. Depending on whether e.g. radio waves are radiated vertically or horizontally by the antenna, the receiving antenna must also be set up vertically or horizontally.

Pulsed electric fields in Bioelectricity

Bioelectrics is the interaction of electric fields with biological cells and tissues. This method, also called electroporation, changes the permeability of cell membranes.
Commercial applications mainly involve pulsed electric fields with pulse durations of 500 nanoseconds to 4 microseconds and field strengths of 10-50 kV/cm.
The resulting changes in living cells now have a wide range of practical applications. Among others, for preservation of food, extraction of valuable substances, targeted treatment of cancer and tumors, germ reduction in waste water, germ reduction in hospitals.
The exact mode of action at the subatomic level is still in the research stage.
Despite the low field strengths of earth rays (=electric fields), pulsed electric fields could be the cause of a disease effect due to the nevertheless temporally long impact.

Ponderomotive force

The ponderomotive force is the deflection acting on a charged particle in an inhomogeneous alternating field.
Here is a simple explanation: If two ball players face each other on a even surface, then both have to use the same force for the throw. But if the ball players are standing on a inclined plane, then the lower ball player has to use more force for his throw. The difference is the ponderomotor force. You have to imagine the whole thing transferred to atomic areas.

Procedural memory

Procedural memory, also called behavioral memory, includes skills that are usually used automatically, i.e., without thinking. These mainly include motor procedures (typing, cycling, swimming). These skills are anchored in the brain through a repetitive learning process and are performed unconsciously when needed.


Sferics (24) are pulsed electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of mainly 3 Hz to 20 kHz. They are generated by lightnings in thunderstorms, by air mass movements (cold/warm front), auroral phenomena but also by earthquakes. They are also the cause of the so-called Schuhmann resonances, which generate standing waves in the atmosphere.
By (EEG) investigations it could be determined that effects on biological systems are present, like weather sensitivity or epileptic seizures. But also disturbances in technical processes, e.g. printing processes could be proven.

Thermal radiation

Electromagnetic waves are absorbed by body tissues and converted into heat. On the one hand, this can have healing effects (diathermy, light therapy, infrared heat therapy). On the other hand, if the dose is too high at certain wave lengths/frequencies, it can cause significant damage and even death. For example, studies have shown that an increase in body temperature by 1 degree can already lead to impairment of bodily functions. In connection with cell phones and radar devices there are a lot of investigations with partly most different results.

Vector of an electric field

In an electric field, the force and direction of a given point in the field is described as a vector. This force is measured in volts per meter and increases or decreases in the square.
Example: Field strength 5 V/m at a distance of 20 Inch results in half the distance of 10 Inch: 5x5=25 V/m.

Return to the Table of contents

9. Footnotes


(1) Return to the text1
Possible biological effects of an electric field

(2) Return to the text2
For research by Kirschvink on magnetite crystals in the human brain, see: Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.; 89:7683-7687; 1992b

(3) Return to the text3
For explanations of piezoelectricity, see under:

(4) Return to the text4
Research on piezoelectricity in rocks, see under:

(5) Return to the text5
For reports on Hessdalen lights, see:

(6) Return to the text6
For reports on Marfa lights, see:

(7) Return to the text7
For reports on Brown Mountain lights, see:

(8) Return to the text8
Ants and Tectonics, a Report from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

(9) Return to the text9
For Schumann resonances, see:

(10) Return to the text10
Curry Netz. The Reaction Line System as a Factor Causing Disease, 1978 published by Herold-Verlag Dr. Wetzel, Munich, Germany. ISBN 3-921485-02-9.

(12) Return to the text12
Alignment of animals by magnetic fields see under: and under:

(13) Return to the text13
For explanation of standing waves, see under:

(14) Return to the text14
Electromagnetic radiation and health :

(15) Return to the text15
For details on the Faraday cage, see:

(17) Return to the text17
Electromagnetic wave shielding details

(18) Return to the text18
Information about radon
Radium and radon in the enviroment

(19) Return to the text19
Electrostatic field of the earth

(20) Return to the text20
Effects of thermal and athermal fields;jsessionid=C407B7CDAC092912AF07C101CF40E8F0.2_cid391

(21) Return to the text21
Current potential values from the University of Reading (England) (see under Atmospheric electricity)

(22) Return to the text22
Betz 1990 barn study

(23) Return to the text23
Detailed information on radioactivity and radiation protection

(24) Return to the text24
Information about sferics

(26) Return to the text26
Detailed explanations about Ley Lines

(27) Return to the text27
Detailed explanations about the Kelvin generator

(28) Return to the text28
Description of earth radiation suppression devices

(30) Return to the text30
Hypersound theory according to Gebbensleben

(31) Return to the text31
Explanation of mental models

(32) Return to the text32
Explanations of pulsed electric fields:

(33) Return to the text33
Diseases from earth radiation

(34) Return to the text34
Konstantin Meyl on the subject of scalar waves
Information about scalar waves from neutral side

(35) Return to the text35
Information about the Michael line

(36) Return to the text36
Waterfalls have healing power

(38) Return to the text38
Information about the electric sense in humans
Detailed publication in the journal Nature Communications by a group of experts from the University of California at Davis on the subject of electrosense in humans

(39) Return to the text39
Measured values of Schumann resonances of the last 3 days

(40) Return to the text40
Detailed explanations of para- and ortho-water

(41) Return to the text41
Detailed explanations of the hydronium/oxonium ion

(42) Return to the text42
Detailed explanations of the hydroxide ion

(43) Return to the text43
Detailed explanations of Ponderomotor_Forces,happens%20in%20a%20homogeneous%20field.

(44) Return to the Text44
Devices for air ionization

(45) Return to the Text45
Tellurium flow measurements

Impressum: Alfred Milz, 92224 Amberg, Germany, Contact: